
Met respect voor de gangbare COVID19 maatregelen hielden we een beperkt eerbetoon aan de 2 crews van 115 Squadron RAF, die in de nacht van 24/25 april 1944 om het leven kwamen.
Lancaster KO-Y DS734
Lancaster KO-J HK542

With respect for the current COVID19 measures, we held a limited tribute to the 2 crews of 115 Squadron RAF, who were killed in the night of April 24/25.

Lancaster KO-Y DS734
Lancaster KO-J HK542

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2 thoughts on “11/11/2020

  1. Paul Leatherdale

    Dear Bram
    Many thanks for sending these photos, and of course sincere appreciation for all the efforts of you and your colleagues in keeping the memory of the crews alive.
    We DO remember them!
    Best rgds
    Paul Leatherdale

  2. Dave Howell

    I can only echo Paul’s excellent words.
    God bless you all

    Dave Howell

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